Monday, June 8, 2009

Remember the Alamo (a fantasy by Dan Praay)

Gather 'round chilluns its time for another fun filled adventure with Uncle Dan Praay

Once upon a time there was this fearless blogger that went by the moniker of Dan'l R Praay now Ol Dan'l was a simple soul (really simple) that wanted nothing more than to meet new friends (see BBC, one of Dan'ls most faithful commenter's) and to network with others that share his admittedly bizarre political beliefs and maybe when the little missus is at work get some hot chats going with others of his persuasion and things were going fairly well, Mama was bringing home the bacon and keeping ol Dan'l in viagra and depends when the unthinkable happened. Dan'l fired up the old PC and accidentally hit the wrong keys (Dan'ls story) and Dan'l found himself in a strange land (or blog if you will) these folks were known as "Texans" Now these folks were so different than our hero that he was completely taken aback! They loved their State, its history, its foibles. Matter of fact they were kinda patriotic in the old fashioned way, they went to Church and had family doings with the kids and kinfolk...Well you can imagine what happened next! Dan'l had an "event" and manifested the personality (one of many) Of Bad-ass Dan'l (pat pending) and he gave those Texans "what for" and told them exactly what he thought of them and their dogs.

Now comes the interesting part of the story,( Given the mental disorders perhaps we shouldn't be surprised) But Dan'l claims that he received 4 er I mean 14 or was it 40?...NO it was 400 emails expressing the Texans displeasure with Dan'ls comments (we'll just have to take Dan'ls word on that because Dan'l doesn't have the courage to have the "comments" turned on on his blog) and they said scary nasty things to Dan'l. But Dan'l felt a fire burning deep in his was a blind fury that said "get outta my way I'm goin on the rampage" So Dan'l huffed...and Dan'l puffed and Dan'l took a deep breath ,clenched his fists and his eyes took on a steely glint as he prepared to do to those hapless Texans what Sherman did to Atlanta and then...and then...AND THEN....HE went crying to Missus Dan'l and she made him shut down his blog till the big meanies went away. The same as he did on a BBs in Michigan where he woulda been a whole lot better of to stay on the porch rather than try to run with the BIG DOGS

After the dust settled (read the texicans got tired of making Dan'l piss his soggy depends) and he had apparently taken up residence in his wife's skirts long enough to make sure he wouldn't have to have his scrawny ass try to cover the check his bulldog mouth wrote. Fired up the old stomping grounds and hope to hell his best followers (see BBC at that fake "future" place) didn't figure out the truth or at least the "followers" that aren't another manifestation of Dan'ls MPS I think at last count there are three besides BBC (juries out on him/her, you call it)

Stay tuned till next time Chilluns till we here at the REAL future waz yesterday Bring you another installment of The twisted wreck of Dan Praay's existence


Anonymous said...

Yeah that silly feller wrote a bunch of really filthy stuff on a little gals blog down this a way, but wasn't up to man talk and run off yelping, Figures...typical. What we was all wondering is if Dan Praay REALLY is a man?...he sure scattered when a couple fellas fired back defending a ladies honor...why yall tolerate such cowards up north

 By:   Baby Danl Bush said...

Just a note to Tex...He ain't "up here" (this is Michigan)they ran him off years ago from Mich. Funny eh? read his story from the "fake future was yesterday" and he always makes a big story about how vanquished his imaginary foes, Not to mention all the rest of the out right lies he tells. Stay tuned more of the twisted tale of Dan (bulldog mouth-poodle ass)will be forthcomming