Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Well Chilluns, Good tidings 'cuz here is another chilling and engrossing tale of the exciting adventures of the Information Super Highway's most intrepid and tepid mental whack off artist Dan Praay!!! yes indeed chilluns he's back, more or less (mostly more from the reports we get from S/C seems our hero has put on a few pounds since the Good Doktor tied a can to his tail and it is said that he has to butter the sides of the outhouse door just to squeeze his fat ass in answer natures call (no not that one...without the good Doc's income stream for the ciallis drip Poor Dan'l doesn't remember the date of his last erection and from what the good Doktor indicates neither does she, but I digress, Our Hero has finally paid his cable bill so he can again post for his two readers (sorry ace, you don't get to count all the voices in your noggin as "readers") one is an elderly woman down south somewhere and the other is probably just another manifestation of Dan'ls Multiple Personality Disorder (he is after all a for real P-Shrink, See "Analyst Dan'l" Pat Pending) and here's the creepy part of his little Svengali Act I think he's actually putting the moves on this poor lonely old broad, I just read a short while ago where he spoke of her saying ..."always at the West Haven nursing home giving shit away - and that's just the stuff we know about. With a heart bigger'n her tits" (just a short note to the fellas DON'T try this at home Dan'l is a professional Lothario of the...shall we say "older set" like poor Ruthie...Which made his last foray into romance land with a young lass more than thirty years his junior kinda weird...(poor Doktor Annie) who wised up much sooner than some of the others (and they say you can't learn life skills in College! I would guess she minored in bolting and bailing...Smart kid. But in the end I'm afraid that our hero will be disappointed with his latest fish ( I believe that her screen persona is called "YellowDog Tranny" now being just a regular person maybe I'm a bit behind the times and colloquialisms but doesn't "tranny" indicate...well a person not comfortable with the gender they were born with? not that I'm against that sort of thing really, its just that I'm concerned for our intrepid Blogger can't you just imagine the look on his face when he finally succeeds in getting a couple of "roofies" into her tea and picks up that dress for a little peek? YIKES! But then with Our Dan'l you just never know! it might just be kismet!!!
Well Chilluns its that time again, Time to bid adieu to our limp Lothario as we leave the pegged out "weird shit-o-meter" that is Dan Praay's pathetic life. Good night and May God Bless.. Yes dipshit! even you.


yellowdoggranny said...

You are fucking insane..My name is Jackie Denney, my blog name is Yellowdog Granny...as in grandmother. You ignorant piece of shit. You want to malign someone, best get your fucking facts straight..no one has put moves on me in 35 years..build a bridge and get the fuck over it.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

You aren't pissed because nature did in a few years, what you couldn't do in 26 years, are you?

No more me. Just an 86 year old lady who seems to be a bit pissed at the moment.:)

Sigh... negativity only breeds more negativism. That's why you'll forever be my "junior" in all regards. Keep trying, loser.:) "Build a bridge and get the fuck over it." ROTLFLMAO!!!

Went by your place a few weeks ago Nice house. Hope it stays that way. All the storms you get up there & stuff

You never did answer, or even address my question, which is rather rude. "Are you ashamed of Vic Landrum?"

Bye bye loser.......

Anonymous said...

Wow! what a coencedence. Yellow Bitch and her lapdog show up within a day of each other and post to a 5 month old entry.

An WTF is "Are you ashamed of Vic Landrum?" suppose to mean dipshit?

Praay, you are as ignorant as ever. Wait I take that back. You have somehow managed to outdo yourself by becoming more ignorant! Oh, an I'll take your threat just as that even though both of us know that Annette took your ball (yes that is intended to be singular) with her. Whatcha gonna do? bring some union fags with you? Bitch!

Anonymous said...

Well, I almost forgot to responde to Yellowdog Tranny!

O K I W I L L T Y P E R E A L S L O W C U Z I K N O W H O W Y O U T E X A N S A R E A B I T S L O W.

Y E L L O W D O G T R A N N Y!

any questions?

Anonymous said...

Now yall ought to watch out fer yer selfs cuz that there Dan'l and the Tranny might jus be one and the same know what I mean...OMG ANOTHER MANIFESTATION...WAIT FOR IT...WAIT FOR IT...why jest look at this here!...its YellowDog Danny...I noe bout this stuff cuz Im a traind sycoanalist/fork truck driver

the Dr is in...
The Ghost of K.C.